Colour: amber. Nose: rounder and, above all, smoother, we are indeed in old Cognac territories, with notes of stewed peaches, sultanas, pollen and honey, broom and wild daffodils, then a lighter fruitcake after the 100 proof, with figs, a touch of butterscotch, milk chocolate… Mouth: no it’s not, although I wouldn’t say it’s a fearless fighter. A wee tannicity right from the start (black tea), then rather coffee and chocolate, Smyrna raisins, perhaps prunes… But it tends to nosedive a bit after ten seconds, and that’s the lower strength. Having said that, there are funny notes of old Demerara rum, bordering on dried bananas, while it remains rather chocolaty and coffeeish, even while it starts to whisper really low. Finish: a little short, dry, with tannins, coffee…